Wednesday, November 04, 2009

09 Elections and the Obama West Wing

Fox News: Reports on the Republican big win in Virginia and the surprise win in New Jersey. That these two states now have Republican Governors should be a warning to Blue Dog Democrats, the loss of New Jersey is a big deal, its a blue state through and through, but the Obama Magic has faded since the 08 Campaign, as the Bill Clinton War Room stated in 1992 its the " Economy Stupid " one could add " Get that Economy not Health Reform Obama " At the end of the day its main street that is hurting, it has seen jobs go, while Wall Street comes back with the money from the Government. Also those on main street while losing their jobs have seen their houses being taken back by the bank, the same bank that was given a government handout. Thus Obama will find that Blue Dog Democrats will be looking at their own political career future in 2010, the question that they will ask is Obama a asset on the Campaign trail for them, he didn't help in Virgina and New Jersey, and what if the economy on the job front does not improve and the Obama health reform bankrupts the economy, that could throw a few Blue Dog Democrats on the political scrap heep, take some advice Blue Dogs, run far away from the Obama Health Care Reform, if Obama does not want to get re-elected that his problem, if you do Blue Dog, VOTE against the Health Care Reform Bill.

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