Thursday, October 29, 2009

Three in this Marriage ?

CNN: Reports that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had a real chance of becoming Vice - President of the United States under President Obama, but for the fact of Bill Clinton. It would have been a nightmare of a ticket, can you see Obama in the Oval and waiting outside to come it give him advice that he has not asked for, well of course Bill Clinton. As the article states Obama was not keen on having Bill Clinton in his ear all the time, as the husband of the VP Obama could not say no to meetings, think of the earache he would get, he might be arrogant and naive but he is not stupid, even VIEWS would have felt sorry for Obama with the Clinton's down the corridor, think the power grabs they would try from inside the White House. Wise move Mr President, at State at least you can keep Hillary Clinton on a tight lease, and you don't have to see Bill Clinton all the time. Even VP Biden on the whole was a better choice, not by a lot but just enough for Obama.

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