Thursday, October 29, 2009

Obama's half a loaf for General McChrystal in Afghanistan

Fox News: Reports that General McChrystal the US Commander in Afghanistan might not get the troops he has requested, he will get half a loaf. In other words General McChrystal who has asked for between forty and eight thousand troops might get around twenty thousand troops from President Obama to fight the counterinsurgency against the Taliban/Al Qaeda. In other words Obama does not have the bottle to defend his troops, as stated in previous posts if Obama will not support his troops in the foxholes of Afghanistan then the UK and NATO should get out of Afghanistan. The US Commander on the ground General McChrystal has made it clear that without a new strategy and new troops the War in Afghanistan will be lost, well Obama has made his decision, thus if he is weak the UK should not lose one more of its Armed Forces Personnel due to the weakness of Obama, TIME FOR THE UK TO GET OUT OF AFGHANISTAN.

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