Saturday, October 17, 2009

Second Election in Afghaistan ?

The Times: Reports on the possibility of a second round of the Presidential Election in Afghanistan due to the fraud in the first round. Just seen the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on CNN, it seems that the US has accepted that for the next few years the President of Afghanistan will be President Karzai. The chances of a second round are dim, the second round would have the same level of fraud, why should it change, also the weather has a negative fact or the chances of a second round. The article notes the chance of a national government in Kabul, is this really a good idea, in the case of Afghanistan you can make an argument that the DEAL is part of Afghan culture, but this is about elites making deals between themselves, what about the people of Afghanistan, they want security and some hope at the end of the day, its not about who is Mayor of Kabul. I have my doubts about a unity government, looks more like pressure from the West, in other words colonial rule, we have been down this road before in Afghanistan, always baits us in the backside.

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