Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Politics of Afghanistan - USA

CNN News: Reports that the death toll of US troops in Afghanistan has hurt its support in the USA, a new CNN/ORC poll has support for the war at 39%, while those opposed at 58%. This follows the UK pattern of support, President Obama has to sell the War in Afghanistan, he has to take on his Liberal base otherwise they will pull the plug on Afghanistan, in the process of taking the USA out of Afghanistan the Liberal base would destroy the Obama Presidency. These are the kind polls that will give the Taliban/Terrorists heart, they will see this another Vietnam, that the USA will tire and leave Afghanistan. The US voter is not the Liberal base, if they see President Obama as another Jimmy Carter they will give Congress back to the Republicans in 2010 and Obama will have a heavy loss in 2012. That how important Afghanistan is to the Obama Presidency.

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