Monday, September 07, 2009

Obama and Health Care Reform

The New York Times: Reports on a make or break week for the Obama Presidency, President Obama will give a speech to Joint session of Congress on his Health Care Reform Package. The NYT writes the following, " ( Obama )...has elevated health care to such a singular priority, advisers said he must force through a credible plan or risk crippling his presidency. " My best advice to President Obama is to think what LBJ and Reagan would do when it comes to getting their agenda through Congress, in the case of LBJ he would cut deals, a Congressman/woman wants a Naval Base in his or her land locked state, why not, green is nice, Reagan would ask for a 100% of his agenda and be happy to get 70%, be pragmatic and come back later for what you want, when the Congress wants something and you want a favour. Its that simple Mr President dealing and being pragmatic, but have the appearance of winning, its not if you win or lose its how it looks to the voter.

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