Thursday, September 10, 2009

NYT and Obama's Health Reform

The New York Times: Has some very good advice for President Obama when it comes to his health care reform package, the NYT writes the following, " Mr. Obama will need to do more than orate. He needs to twist arms among timid Democrats in Congress to get a strong bill..." Of course the Liberal New York Times wants President Obama to push his health reform package through just with Democratic votes, the advice to the West Wing is good but the President should twist arms to get the compromise Senate Bill passed that does not have a public option. The President needs to twist the arms of Liberal Democrats, he has to make sure that they get that they cant vote no on a major policy of the first African - American Democratic President. In the speech President Obama didn't have the nerve to dump the public option even after being told that it had no chance in the US Senate, thus Obama will have to show the political skills of LBJ and Reagan to move his base on a road that they don't approve, lets see if he has those political skills.

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