Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Intelligence and the Political WILL over IRAN

The New York Times: Reports on the shadow debate within the intelligence world as to the next stage for Iran's nuclear plans, the NYT writes the following, " debate among American, European and Israeli spies about a separate component of Iran’s nuclear program: its clandestine efforts to design a nuclear warhead. " In this case we have seen a tougher Western line out of France and the UK, as the NYT states the CIA and US intelligence networks don't think Iran has managed create a nuclear warhead. The problem with such intelligence if your wrong it can be to late, thus it can be argued that the Israeli Mossad might have a better handle on Iran than the CIA or even the UK's own MI6. If your in Israel you cant wait for the USA to be wrong, thus still hold to my prediction that Israel will strike Iran.

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