Sunday, September 27, 2009

Good Point Mr Rich of the New York Times

The New York Times: Interesting Op - Ed piece by Mr Rich of the NYT, he compares President Obama's choices over Afghanistan to JFK's decisions over Vietnam. Also he makes a good point that if you beat the Taliban in Afghanistan, " how would that stop Al Qaeda from coalescing in Somalia or some other criminal host state? " There are no good decisions when it comes to Afghanistan, there are just bad to disastrous policy choices, just look after the USA pushed the USSR out of Afghanistan in 1988, the US pulled back from the region, and what did you get, the Taliban in bed with the ISI of Pakistan taking over Afghanistan and then 9/11. If the USA had taken an active part in Afghan politics after 1988 the rest of the world would have stated that the USA was acting like an Imperial power aka the British Empire. One can almost guarantee that what ever policy is decided by the Obama Administration, looking back it will look bad, that the fate of being in Afghanistan.

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