Thursday, August 27, 2009

Win One for Teddy ?

ABC News: Reports that Democratic Congressional Leaders in Congress are going to push for health care reform as a tribute to Senator Edward Kennedy, thus the Democratic take on the old Reagan line, Win one for the Gipper becomes Win one for Teddy. Lets be brutal and honest here, Senator Kennedy was a old style Liberal, he was loved by the old liberal base in the Democratic Party, the Liberal base is not the United States. Senator Edward Kennedy's scandals had besmirched the Camelot myth, Mr Kennedy was not JFK and RFK, he lost to President Carter in 1980, and his treatment of Judge Bork was a national disgrace, not just a Senate matter. Liberals have the right to show respects, but that does not give them the right to con the US voter. Kennedy was 1 Senator in a hundred, nothing more or less, its just the Kennedy part that the elite media are obsessed with at this minute, the same media that covered for JFK and RFK and their darker moments, let not the media con you, respect to a Senator but not give away the shop, don't allow Democrats to take the USA over the cliff and destroy the health system in the USA and worse bankrupt the country.

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