Sunday, August 02, 2009

The Show Trial in Iran Part Two

The New York Times: Reports on the show trial in Iran of those opposed to President Ahmadinejad, the NYT writes the following on the trial, " signaled an intensified government attack on the opposition movement, which maintains that the June 12 election was rigged.." Even the Liberal New York Times can not hide this story; I guess after you cover up for Stalin, even the NYT has to have its limits, the extreme Liberal NYT wants Obama to talk to Iran, but there is a fly in the inkwell, the stolen election, repression of the people, the throwing of innocent people in to prison, the killing of people, show trials, even the Liberal NYT is not going to jump the shark for Obama over Iran. The mess in Iran helps Israel, Obama in his own arrogance might think he knows best, but as stated a 1st year student of International Politics would do a better job, Obama once stated to the Senate Majority Leader that he had a gift, that should be a warning in itself, Reagan the real Great Communicator, always stated it was the message not the messenger, there is a difference, Israel if its military planning is ready should attack Iran now, what is Obama going to do defend President Ahmadinejad, if Obama wants to be a combination of Neville Chamberlain and Jimmy Carter and think he cant get away with it he is very mistaken, the more we see of Obama and we see he is Jimmy Carter with better TV skills, but even that wearing think with the general public. Lest be honest here, the Government of President Ahmadinejad needs to provoke the West, it has its own TV spin, thus the show trials, the regime in Tehran needs to shift the blame to the West, the more that Iran looks like the USSR and Nazi Germany the more Obama is in a box. Its harsh but true. Thus it can be argued that those three holidaymakers in Iraq that might have crossed the border in Iran will face a trial. The will even more undercut the Obama policy, thus more sanctions thus Obama will be seen as another Bush 43. International Politics is a rough game, there are winners and losers, this is not a Harvard Seminar for the charm of Obama to win the room, thus Israel just might have an open door to attack Iran and Obama will not be in much of a position to decry a democracy against a tyranny.

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