Thursday, August 13, 2009

Obama's Polls in the Basement!

Rasmussen Reports: Reports the downward trend of President Obama's approval ratings. In the latest Daily Tracking Poll of President Obama's approval/disapproval rating, Obama has 47% approval and 52% disapproval. The Obama White House is being hurt by his health care reform push, also the President is overexposed in the media, he all over the place. The Presidency needs some mystic, JFK and Reagan had mystic to give away, Carter never had it and never developed an it in his four years in the White House. Obama needs more selective TV appearances, he also cant hate Fox News, he might not notice but Fox is major player in the message of American Politics, for a President who used the Internet to great effect Obama is missing the fact that Fox News is Cable News, it was CNN in the day but not any more, thus interviews with the Liberal media gets you nothing, Obama needs to get on Fox, and that means the Factor with the No Spin Zone. If President Obama wants to get his health care reform through he needs new media advisers.

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