Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Obama DOWN in the latest POLL

Rasmussen Reports: That President Obama's approval ratings have taken a hit again, the latest daily tracking poll has Obama at 49% approval and 51% disapproval. Its a combination of health reform and the lack of jobs for those that have been made redundant due to the recession. The more the Presidents polls numbers goes down to in to the 40% the more he losses power on the Hill. The Congress works by fear, your either afraid of the President or you find you have to go to the dentist if he turns up in your state. The problem for President Obama is that there is no no Health Care Reform Bill, its all abstract, thus hard to defend a enigmatic thought. Lets be clear this blog is not opposed to Health Care Reform, heard that IBM pays out a Billion dollars a year on Health coverage, that's ridicules, thus what is need is pragmatic Health Care Reform coverage. Health reform that does not punish you if your old, one gets the impression from the Obama package that they wish that after you pass 65 for you fall of your perch, because they are not going pay the money out if your ill and old, they seem to want to talk you to death, well with modern medicine you can retire at 61 and live for another forty or fifty years, you have paid your dues thus you should have the right to latest medical knowledge and treatment, not a discussion that your to old. OPPOSE THE PREJUDICE OF THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO THE OLD.

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