Monday, August 31, 2009

LBJ = Obama over Afghanistan

Telegraph: Reports that the Liberal Left that opposed the War in Iraq is going to oppose the Obama's War in Afghanistan. Thus we are starting to see that President Obama is fast becoming LBJ, he has a War in Afghanistan that he cant win but can not afford to lose, it has been argued that Afghanistan is lot more important than the War in Vietnam, the simple reason that on the whole the domino theory for South Asia didn't happen, when the Communist North took over the South they didn't go marching in to other countries. In the case of Afghanistan we have Al - Qaeda and the Taliban ready to set up bases in Afghanistan if the West was to withdraw. This would have two negative effects, Obama would have made Pakistan a target for the Taliban/Terrorists, lets not forget that Pakistan is a nuclear power, also NATO would be damaged. On this issue one has to look at the fraught tensions between Russia and Ukraine and the Russian invasion of Georgia in 2008. A weak NATO could give the Russian bear ideas, ideas that could lead to an invasion of the Ukraine and a threat to Poland, a NATO member. Thus President Obama cant lose Afghanistan, if he does lose Afghanistan he could become Neville Chamberlain and Jimmy Carter. If that was to become the legacy of his First Term he would lose his re-election bid in 2012.

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