Monday, July 13, 2009

Obama's Health Reform ?

ABC News: Reports that Republican Senate Minority Whip Senator Jon Kyl has stated that the Obama plan for health reform will not be passed before the Senate goes in to recess. On the whole support the idea of universal health care for Americans, even if those in the higher tax bracket have to pay for it, but the proviso is that it cant damage the American Economy. The US economy is in recession/depression, thus hiking taxes on the rich might not be the greatest idea in history. On the other hand there is the morale aspect, people have the right to health care, so lets hope the Senate can produce a reform package that is tax neutral; does not hike taxes; covers all Americans, does not harm the economy in the long term. Lets recall the failure to pass health care reform in the Bill Clinton's first term lead to the Democrats losing the House in 1994.

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