Friday, July 10, 2009

Nuclear Iran within Year

TJP: Reports that Iran could go nuclear with a year. If Iran goes nuclear and it has the ability to place nuclear warheads on its missiles the region could get very hot. Lets recall it has a very close relationship with the Stalinist North Korea. The Times of London has reported that North Korea can already place miniature warheads on its missiles, thus its a nuclear power. As the UN has placed sanctions on North Korea that prevents it sending missiles outside North Korea the Stalinist Government could try to get money by selling information to Iran on how to develop its nuclear and missile abilities. Also the Foreign Policy in Iran will be effected by the stolen election, the Government of Iran has already stated that the protesters are being lead by the West, thus to divert attention from internal problems Iran could push its nuclear progress, thus develop the bomb and missile abilities. This would force the Obama Administration to allow Israel to hit Iran, this from Tehran might not be a bad result, the Government in Iran would ask for unity, it would get support, it would divert attention to the West, thus as an politician once stated, all politics is local.

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