Monday, June 15, 2009

The Second Front in Waziristan

Telegraph: Reported on the expected second front by the Army of Pakistan in Waziristan on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. This is tribal area, it will be a tough fight for the Army of Pakistan, its never been under the control of Islamabad, its Tribal loyalties and Conservative nature make it a hard and tough place to fight and to keep. Unlike the Swat Valley this area is better suited to the Taliban/Terrorists, and as stated the Army of Pakistan is not built to fight terrorists, its main aim is to fight India. It will be interesting to see if the Army can really take on the Taliban/Terrorists, the Taliban can always retreat in to Afghanistan, the question is does the West have enough troops to fight them if they are forced crossed the border. The Obama surge is just coming in to effect, the UK is taking heavy losses for its force structure in country. We shall see how the Second Front goes, might work or it might fail, then what..

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