Monday, June 15, 2009

The Iraqi Whitewash Again!

The Times: Reports on the announcement by UK PM Gordon Brown that an Independent Inquiry on Iraq will be held in private. This is half way house that will please no one, those that opposed the War in Iraq want a public Inquiry with people under oath, those that supported the War but wanted some public viewing will attack the idea as a whitewash. Lets be clear I supported the Iraq War and still do, there is no need for a Inquiry, this half baked idea seems to annoy both sides. It will be seen by the general public as a complete whitewash and a way for Gordon Brown to put the issue beyond the next election, that is pure politics, but worse not good politics. I think we can all agree on one thing, our brave Armed Forces deserve our respect and we should always keep in mind those that paid the ultimate price, thus lets care more about our troops and their families than waisting money on a perceived matter of spin.

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