Thursday, June 18, 2009

Obama and Iran

The New York Times: Reports on the backlash to the Obama position on Iran, the President's reaction has been tepid if your on the streets in Tehran fighting for freedom. Also Obama's comments that both Ahmadinejad and Moussavi share the same Foreign Policy views did not help the people on the street in Tehran. The Liberal NYT writes the following, " officials in Washington are debating whether President Obama’s response to Iran’s disputed election has been too muted. " It can be argued from a Western point of view that President Obama is correct, as stated on Fox News Mr Mussavi when he was PM in the 80s had thousands killed. The question now is his challenge about leadership of the present state or revolution. If all the demos just lead to change of faces at the top but no policy change then Obama is correct in his analysis of this crisis. If Mr Mussavi wants a revolution and wants to take Iran down a new road, then Obama could be wrong. Thus President Obama is following an interesting path, if he is right then his muted views of the events in Iran have been worked, but if he is wrong then he looks like Jimmy Carter, with that President's failure to prevent the revolution in Iran in 1979 and Neville Chamberlain at Munich, Obama would have placed Ahmadinejad as the same to Mussavi. Time will tell folks.

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