Wednesday, June 10, 2009

North Korea - USA Nuclear Protection for its Allies, ACT OF WAR

Fox News: Reports that North Korea has heated up the tension in Asia, North Korea has stated that the USA protection for South Korea and Japan is an Act of War. One has to ask the question, does North Korea leadership have a death wish, all the olive branches from the Obama Administration has been snubbed. North Korea has driven its senior Ally, China up the wall, never a good idea, thus the question what in the hell does North Korea want, it can be postulated that is the question being asked around the World. Lets see if we can connect the dots, lets start from the ground up, North Korea has taken two US reporters as hostages, they want a high delegation visit, the rumours doing the rounds is that Al Gore is in the frame, he owns the TV channel that employees the reporters. Thus you have a former Vice - President and Nobel Winner as a non - diplomatic visitor but a Presidential Envoy in all but name, then you launch a long range missile that can reach the USA. This could turn a Gore visit from getting the reporters out to solving the North Korea problem, but the question is why, what ever Gore could offer is on the table now, so this can be discounted, so what next, take out Al Gore and replace him with Bill Clinton, a Former President and husband of the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. But the USA could not send Bill Clinton, Obama can not afford to be seen as weak when it comes to North Korea, one simple reason Iran again. One does feel one is going around in circles when it comes to North Korea. I blame Jimmy Carter, in the early 1990s Bill Clinton was close to using military force to prevent this mess but he was out foxed by Jimmy Carter, thus advice to Obama, don't trust Carter with your Foreign Policy.

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