Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Government of Iran vs The People - Who Wins ?

The New York Times: Has an Opinion - Editorial article by Thomas L. Friedman on Iran, Mr Friedman looks back on the 1979 revolution and the events today in Tehran, Mr Friedman writes on what is faced by those on the streets, " But we and the reformers must have no illusions about the bullets and barrels they are up against. " As we have seen the Government of Iran has no morality about shooting its own people, the Government in the past has bought the people off due to its Oil revenue but the present Government has caused massive damage to the economy, thus it could be that the religious elite don't have the money to buy off the protesters, the credit crunch just might have a silver lining after all. The religious elite know that if they bow to the pressure of the protesters its over for them, also the numbers are against them in the long term. Lets be honest I have been critical of the youth of Iran in the past, I was tired of hearing that a majority of the population was under 30, well I stated it was about time for them to get off the dime and did something. They have over a stolen election, the question is do the morale courage to keep the streets even when faced with bullets from the Government, that is the test folks. Lets hope they have a brave heart to face the battle head.

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