Monday, June 08, 2009

The Gamble by North Korea

The Times: Reports that two American Reporters have been jailed by North Korea for 12 years. This is crafty gamble by North Korea, its a simple rouse, it will force the USA to deal with them one to one, the Times reports that former Vice - President Al Gore could be sent to North Korea to have discussions about getting the reporters out, they work for his company, the Obama Administration will have to make sure that Gore does not pull a Jimmy Carter and start discussions on subjects outside the main issue, getting the reporters out. The Obama Administration will also have to be careful, the US Press Elite will start to put pressure on Obama to do something, one of its own have been taken, the same thing could happen to reporters form the NYT,CBS,NBC,ABC. Thus it seems that North Korea has all the aces in the pack, the UN is nowhere, the region might develop a arms race and Iran will see the Obama weakness as a green light to go nuclear.

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