Thursday, May 28, 2009

High Alert in Asia, South Korea and US on Guard

The Times: Reports that the South Korea and US troops in South Korea have been placed on high alert due to nuclear and missiles test of North Korea. Fox News reported that the Obama Administration thought that North Korea was bluffing, then why place your troops on high alert, the Obama Administration is in a fix, a weak reaction allows Iran to think it has the green light to go nuclear, a heavy reaction and you could restart the Korea War of 1950-53. Lets be honest, North Korea is a nuclear power and according to reports in the UK Times the North Koreans have the ability to miniaturise missiles and a nuclear bomb. Thus they are part of the nuclear club thus some rules apply, a military reaction is off the table, at the end of the day there needs to be talks, North Korea wants direct talks with the USA, what about offering to send Secretary Clinton with Bill Clinton as a Presidential Envoy to have talks with North Korea, its an idea, at the end of they day there has to be talks, lets hope no one slips up and we have a real war on our hands. Or worse in some respects Iran misreads Obama and we get a war in the Middle East.

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