Monday, April 13, 2009

North Korea, The Road Ahead ?

CNN News: Has an interesting article on the North Korean Missile Launch, the background pre launch, the expected non reaction after all the tough talk from Obama on down and the aim for talks to get North Korea to give up its ace, its nuclear bombs. In the world of 24/7 news we bloggers had moved on to modern pirates, a lot more sexy story lets be honest, modern pirates and the US Navy. The end result was even better, dead pirates and firm Presidential leadership. Thus what about Communist North Korea, well back to those tedious talks, they will be long, frustrating, lead all over the place. If your North Korea would you give up your Ace in the pack of cards. North Korea will never give up its nuclear weapons. They will play Obama forever. It can be postulated that Japan and South Korea will go nuclear within the decade. North Korea will be a failure for Obama as will be Iran.

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