Sunday, March 01, 2009

Praise from WP for President Obama

Washington Post: Has praise for President Obama for his Iraqi Plan. The WP states the following, " Though he opposed the war, his strategy recognizes what has been achieved in Iraq, even at a terrible cost, and aims at preserving it. His party would do well to follow his lead." The President has followed a wise policy, it allows the USA to leave Iraq with honour but also allows the USA to protect its interest in the Middle East. Liberals in Congress have no sense of long term policy, they just want to pander to their pay masters in Liberal Pressure groups. Thank God President Obama does not have to worry about the House Speaker or other Liberals. The Republicans will support the move, also wise Liberal Papers think its a good idea. Thus lets hope the Liberal New York Times comes out against the plan, President Obama will then know that its a good plan.

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