Saturday, December 13, 2008

UK Car Bailout

The Times: Reports that UK Government will bailout the UK Car Industry. Folks this is just the start, it can be guaranteed that other sectors of the economy will come cap in hand to the government to ask for money. The Western Governments will create a stagnant economy, we are returning to history folks, welcome back to the 1970s, rather than the UK being the sick man of Europe, the Western System will be the sick man of the system. The Government will be the major factor in business from banking to cars. The old system of Government control of the economy is back, look what happened to the old Soviet Union. The massive government spending will only delay the final result, bad business structures will fall, but from that harsh environment a new business sector will grow, we could have that now but the government are afraid, thus expect a few years of misery before we have another Thatcher and Reagan.

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