Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Afghanistan Surge by the UK

BBC News: Reports that another three hundred soldiers are going to Afghanistan, the total of British Forces in Country will reach eight thousand and three hundred next year. It is expect that after January 20th 2009 the Obama Administration will ask the UK to send an extra 1700 troops to Afghanistan. It should be clear to UK PM Gordon Brow that he has to say NO. What about our fellow Allied Countries in NATO. The PM should say No, the British are paying a high price already, it time Europe got off its backside and help it Allies. PM Brown should follow the example of Harold Wilson who supported LBJ over Vietnam but did not send troops, we had to send troops due to 9/11 but we are paying the price is the blood of hour heroic soldiers, thus no more troops and an EXIT route please in the near future.

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