Sunday, September 21, 2008


New York Times: A very witty article by Ms Dowd of the LIBERAL New York Times, Bartlet of the West Wing giving advice to Obama. The one problem I have with the article is the following, she has Bartlet stating the following, " It’s not bad enough she’s forcing her own daughter into a loveless marriage to a teenage hood, she wants the rest of us to guide our daughters in that direction too? " Does the elite media want Palin's daughter to have an abortion so it confirms their view of the world, do the they want to sacrifice a human life to make a cheap political point. Also Bartlet would never use that, Bartlet was a disaster as President, arrogant much like Obama but he would never get in the gutter and use the family of candidates against them, Mr Sheen aka Jed Bartlet was asked to run for the Senate in Ohio, he knew the difference but reality and a TV show, he wise was to decline the offer. I do wish they bring back the West Wing, no matter who wins , also get back Mr Martin Sheen as Bartlet, he cold be the Jimmy Carter of the TV Presidents. So back to the point, poor New York Times and Ms Dowd, expect better from a good writer.

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