Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hollywood vs The Clintons

The Times: Reports how Hollywood has turned on the Clintons, the actor and comedian, Chris Rock has attacked Bill Clinton for his lack of support for Senator Obama. The sole point of the Clintons is power, this year was meant to be about Hillary Clinton, that was the deal, Bill Clinton and then Hillary Clinton in the White House after the Impeachment. If Obama wins in November the Clintons are finished as leaders of the Democratic Part, Bill Clinton is a Alpha Male, he can not stand the thought that his time is over as the rock star of the Democratic Party. Bill Clinton could not stand Ronald Reagan either, his Vice - President won in 1988, Al Gore lost 2000, that really hurt the Clinton legacy. Hillary Clinton was meant to be be the restoration, this will not happen, thus Clinton will be the guy between the Bush Presidencies, and that hurts if your Bill Clinton.

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