Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday Polls

Lets see how the Polls are for the end of the week.

Gallup: Reports that Obama leads by a narrow margin, two percent over McCain. The poll finds the following, Obama 46% - McCain 44%. As stated in past comments on polls, Obama needs to get a larger lead and he needs to keep it over the weeks. The Trip to Europe and the Middle East should give him a bounce in the polls. The TV Media is in the tank for Obama so they will give him Presidential coverage. If Obama does not get a bounce that will be interesting and what he states Iraq could define the race in the long term.

Rasmussen: Reports a tie in the race, Obama 46% - McCain 46%. Given all the bad news that faces the Republican brand its curious that McCain is level or just behind. This takes me back to 1968, the Vietnam War was still going on and the public wanted out, the President that had lost his public appeal. The result was close in the public vote if not in the Electoral College. McCain has slim chance of winning but he still has a chance, its up to Obama to lose this election.

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