Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Elite Media and Obama

New York Times: Are the Elite Media worried if Obama gets elected, that their audience and their pay masters, wont allow any critical or fun remarks about a Obama Administration. Ms Dowd gives that impression, she writes the following, " ....if Obama gets elected and there is nothing funny about him, it won’t be the economy that’s depressed. It will be the rest of us. " This argument has two aspects, one as noticed by Left Wing Bloggers trying to shut down blogs that are critical of Obama. The left cant not take argument, if you challenge them you are anti green, a racist, a warmonger, that is the lack of brain you are dealing with when you deal if you have to with off beam left wing bloggers and voters. On the other hand there is white guilt, if your an elite media type and white you feel you are to blame for the slavery and the Civil War. That the failure of the Civil Rights movement on the home front is a white guilt issue. Thus you can not attack Obama. One word folks, bollocks, it easy to attack Obama on policy, depending on which policy he has changed, you deal with him as a politician. That is showing respect, colour does not matter, he's wrong about Iraq, does not matter if he was white, black or French. Obama given the polls could be the next POTUS but he is a man and a politician, to treat him otherwise would show a lack of respect, to take notice of his colour and therefore refine from stating a view that is opposed to his is a form of paternal racism. All politicians who stand deserve to be examined and laughed at, if you don't think so look at the present state of the world.

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