Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Iran Threat

New York Times: Reports that the President of Iran has stated that pressure from the West for Iran to give up its nuclear plans has not worked. One can almost feel that the President of Iran wants the Israel and the USA to attack the country. An attack from the view of Iran would help the regime, it would get public support, it would divert attention from its failure on the economic front, Iran is going to get more problematic over the next few months.

1 comment:

My America Journal said...

President Bush Tells the World we are in Charge: No kidding!

Israel has nuclear bombs, and we gave them nuclear capable airplanes to use the bombs. By the way, we helped Israel to put 200 of the nukes together. Israel is our only friend.

And, you are right! We have very bad things, and we know how to use them. We used them against Japan. Boy did our nukes kill a lot of those Japanese people. We will do it again. We used some of those bad things against Iraq.
Iran and the rest of the world better learn soon, we mean business!

By the way, what is this idea that we have a bad economy, expensive college loans, few professional jobs, and crumpling infrastructure?

Forget about it! We have to worry about Iran; you know they are working on nuclear fuel cycle to make electricity. What do they want electricity for?

My great grandparents used what they had to heat their home, light their house after dark, the good old fashioned way. Why do Iranians want to be like us now? It was good for my great grandparents; it must be good for Iranians now.

Last, we must not talk to these Iranians; Israelis have told us not to do it. Plus, our great President Bush wants to revisit the 1953 regime change and put in place someone like the old Shah. We told him what we expected of him. He knew what we wanted, and he did it. No questions asked.

With Israel as a friend who would need an enemy. God help our beautiful USA.

You asked for my idea, please read: American Foreign Policy and the World: a New Direction