Monday, July 31, 2006

Joe Lieberman and the Press

In a few days time the Voters in the Democratic Primary in Connecticut will decide who will be their nominee for Senator. This article will look at what the Editorials at local and National Level are saying to the Voters of the State. Thus we have Hartford Courant , a State Paper, which has endorsed Mr Lieberman, the paper states the following, “ for his skill in bridging the partisan abyss in Washington - a valuable asset. ” Also the papers notes that on Democratic issues, he gets good marks from “ environmentalists, labor unions, advocates for gay and women's rights. ” The papers notes that if there is no room for Lieberman then “ It would show an intolerance unworthy of any political party ”. And at the national level we have the Washington Post, the Post in its Editorial gives it support to Joe Lieberman, the editorial states the following, “ it seems that Mr. Lieberman is also being pummeled for his ability to work with Republicans and get things done in Washington “ The article points out that on normal core democratic values, the Senator has always supported and been “ faithful to the fundamental values that most Democrats associate with their party: care for the environment; dedication to a progressive tax code and other ways to help the poor and middle classes; and support for Israel and other democracies around the world. ” At the New York Times we have the expected, endorsement of Ned Lamont, based on the their following view of the Senator and the Primary “ has become a referendum on his warped version of bipartisanship, in which the never-ending war on terror becomes an excuse for silence and inaction. We endorse Ned Lamont in the Democratic primary for Senate in Connecticut. "

The views supports Joe Lieberman, Hawk on Foreign Policy but Liberal on Social Issues, lets win one for Joe….

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Liberal Bloggers and the Mid Term Elections

Are the Liberal Bloggers and the Democratic Party afraid they wont take out Senator Lieberman in the early August Primary for the Democratic Nomination for Senator and that Democrats wont take the Congress back. Over the past couple days I have noticed that the expectations game has been down played, the Small Scale Conflict in the Middle East could be a bonus for the Republican Party and the President. In a time when National Security is a major issue, the Democrats have a problem; just ask them about 2002 and 2004. The Republicans kept the House of Representatives in 2002 and George W. Bush beat John F. Kerry in 2004. If the war goes on, and Iraq is kept off the news, the Main Stream Media has tried to keep it in the Public Mind, see my review of an article in the Washington Post in my July 20, 2006 Blog. Also we have article by David Broder, Dean of the Washington Press Core, in today’s Washington Post, Simmering Rage Within the GOP, it states that within the Republican Party the Bush Administration is seen as out of touch and having contempt for previous Republican Administrations. Broder writes on the views of those that have served in Past administrations, “ They never reached out to us. They never thought they needed our help. Now they're in trouble. To hell with them. ” But he does state in the article that although the Bush administration might have annoyed Republicans they still Prefer Bush to the Democrats leadership in the House of Representatives.

But if you think about it, in pure politics, War, Terrorism plays in to the hands of the Republicans; the Democrats are seen as weak with the honourable exception of Joe Lieberman. But in the Modern Democratic Party, weakness is cool, lets face it they love Bill Clinton, even after a year of shame, just because he said sorry for Monica it does not matter that he wasted a year and had to compromise with the Liberals in the House of Representatives to stay in Office.

In an interesting article in the New York Observer by Joe Conason he argues that it is not the Liberal Bloggers that have caused the problems for the Senator but his own views on the War and his support for the administrations policy in Iraq, he writes the following, “ He has left the reality-based community for the never-land of neo-conservatism—and if he loses, that will be why. ” In an interesting article on RealClearPolitics, Dr. Sabato, Professor of Politics at the University of Virginia, states that at the moment the Middle East War is “ this summer's obsession ” this could hurt the Democrats as mentioned above or if the war does come to and end in a quick manner then interest will come back to the problems in Iraq and at home. In a Poll for the Wall Street Journal and NBC News both Parties faced problems, for different reasons both Parties faced high negatives, and it was not clear cut that the Democrats would have it all their own way.

In many respects the fate of Joe Lieberman and who controls the Congress are very much intertwined.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Senate Race in Connecticut

On the Campaign in Connecticut, an interesting article by Kevin Rennie, Revelations Could Roil Senate Race , which show that in ordinary circumstances both Candidates, Ned Lamont and Senator Joe Lieberman would have a problem with the Democratic base but because of their views on the War in Iraq, the Long Term Senator faces losing in the Primary and having to run as an Independent. Thus to counter this the Lieberman Campaign is calling in Bill Clinton, The Advocate - Experts: Clinton visit may give Lieberman momentum , the article’s main point being that Bill Clinton should reminded the voters that it was Lieberman’s tough stand on Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky that saved him. The author of Primary Colours, Joe Klein has an interesting article in Time, in essence he likes the Senator but on the major issue of Iraq he thinks the Senator is wrong and must deal with the issue, -- Joe Klein: Lieberman's Last Stand . On the Blogs we have Daily Kos: State of the Nation, the Primary will show if Political Blogs on the left can support candidates who win or will they just be another Howard Dean, aka 2004.
Off Subject: What is it with Dating Sites, you spend a fortune, and I spent two years on one. On one Date the Lady never turned up and on the Second One was told in a New York Second (Actually 15 Seconds) that she had no interest but to be fair she did buy a nice Bottle of Wine for me…
Off Subject: I was out last night clubbing and sitting down trying to enjoy the music, why cant they play ABBA, and was asked why I was alone, well I was either going to give out a complicated answer but decided the best line is some times the truth, I replied “ 36 and Single “ If I was married or dating would I be out dancing to music that makes punk look interesting and I hate Punk…

Dr Who Awards

Off subject: The National Television Awards are coming in November, this is a chance for all Dr Who Fans to vote for David Tennant for Best Actor, Billie Piper for Best Actress and Dr Who for Best Drama, Click NTA to Vote….LETS WIN ONE FOR THE DOCTOR AND ROSE

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Wars, Hot and Cold in the 20/21 Century

The Cold War lasted from the end of the Second World War to 1991. Between 1991 and 2001 we had the Post Cold War period and now we have after 9/11. It can be noted that during the first two periods we didn’t know how long they would last and how they would finish. We thought that with the end of the Cold war we would could diminish the funding for defence and the world would became more democratic and Liberal. I recall debates about how we would spend the money we wouldn’t have to spend on defence, those days seem almost like a dream. Since the 1990s we in the UK and America seem to be active in more war zones that we did through the Cold War Period, the exception being Vietnam for the USA and the Falklands for the UK.

Then One Morning the world changed, I changed the channel on my TV and I saw an airplane hit a tall building, at first I thought it was a film, it took me a few seconds to realise it was real and it was happening in real time. The World had changed; it was like 1914 again a single shot that starts a War and then the death of innocent people, the total in the thousands. We all have images from that day; it was like a Nightmare that lasted for Hours. Over three thousand dead in one day.

So we are in 2006, the USA and the UK are in Iraq and Afghanistan, the USA has lost over 2500 and UK over 100. The question is what next and how long and what will be the end result. Thus we come to my prediction, and for the next few years.

There have been reports that the American Army wants to reduce it troops my September of this year, I argue this will happen for a short period, the Mid Term Congressional Elections are coming, so the troops will come home for a period, the new government in Iraq will have to get its security up and running to cover the loss of American troops. The government will do this by making deals and granting Amnesty to those in Iraq that have been fighting the Allies. The USA and the UK will go along with this; President Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair want Iraq off the news for different reasons. The President wants to keep the Republicans in control of Congress and Tony Blair wants Iraq off the news when he does leave Office.

As I said it will be for a short period, the troop levels with be cut but then they will be gradual increased to deal with the problems in Iraq and also should the case come up to deal with Iran. As for the future of Iraq, after a time they will find another leader who the West will support but who will not be a Western Democrat.

As I leave my first Blog, I am reminded of the start of the 20th Century, an Empire at War, a war that was not popular with an enemy that didn’t fight fair, we wore red they didn’t. We won but not in a way that could be described with much honour, we followed the Spanish and created Concentration Camps and starved the Boers out. We have moved on, the War in Iraq was right thing to do, that today is a very minority opinion but after 9/11 we could not be seen as weak that was the mistake in the Post Cold War Period.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Main Stream Media, MSM

While the Middle East burns, Iraq seems to be out of focus at the moment, you get the occasional stories of the usual mayhem but an interesting article in the Washington Post on the views of the GOP in Congress on how they think Iraq is going, GOP Lawmakers Edge Away From Optimism on Iraq. The title says it all, would not be surprised if the MSM carry further stories about Iraq, just before the Mid Term Elections, just to make sure the Middle East does not help the Republicans…

Mid Term Elections and Joe Lieberman

It looks like the Left Wing Bloggers will have their first victory if the latest poll is accurate for the Democratic Primary in Connecticut it seems that Ned Lamont is leading Senator Joseph Lieberman by 51 -47. This will place the Democratic Party in a very odd position, if Mr Lamont wins the Primary and Senator Lieberman follows through with his plan to contest the election in November, we could have ex Governor Howard Dean the head of the Democratic National Committee supporting Lamont and the Senate Democrats leadership supporting Lieberman. If the Democrats regain the Senate and by One vote, will the Liberal wing or as the term has became used the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party be happy to have the Independent Joe Lieberman in their caucus, and should it come to a Vote on Iraq will they be happy to lose because Lieberman supports the War and the Policy of the President.

King David Hotel in 1946

In today’s Times there was an interesting article about the difference between a terrorist act and the act of freedom fighters thus we come to the bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946 by Israeli Freedom Fighters from their point of view. The Target was British Personnel and thus from our point of view Terrorists by any definition. One moment a terrorist then Prime Minister, is there any solutions or just more death.

Good Blogs

Two very interesting blogs on politics, Iain Dale's Diary and Guy Fawkes' blog of parliamentary plots, rumours and conspiracy

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Middle East

The Middle East, over half a million people displaced, hundreds killed, destruction of Beirut after years of trying to recover from the civil war of the 1980's. The question should President Bush do as President Reagan did and stop further military action by Israel, Reagan was no peace nick he could be tough when needed but could also think outside the box, should Bush allow Israel to carry on, the old term of the Green Light from the Oval Office..But when and how does it end..?

2008 Elections

Elections seasons in the United States seem to start early and earlier, the matter of governing seems to have gone out of the window. The Vote in the United States to withdraw troops was a matter of show, the Kerry amendment to withdraw troops by the end of the year was not going to pass and a less direct amendment also failed as the Republicans held together. Thus on the Democratic side we have Hillary Clinton the Junior Senator from New York State as the Front Runner for the Democratic Nomination in 2008. Hillary Clinton based on observations from over the Water has a problem, she voted for the Iraq War but unlike Senator Kerry, the Democratic Nominee in 2004 and ex Senator Edwards, the Vice – Presidential Nominee in 2004 she has not stated it was a wrong decision, she has argued that the management of the war by the Bush administration is wrong. This has put Senator Clinton on the spot, the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party, e.g. LIBERALS want out of Iraq and they wanted the Party Nominee to lead that cause. As has been analysed this puts the Senator in a bind, she can move to the left and became a the Nominee in 2008 and go down to a major defeat, the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party is not the American Voting public. The Senator needs to appear almost like Lady Thatcher when it comes to Foreign Policy, Liberal on Domestic issues such as abortion and green issues but tough as steel on Foreign Policy.

Thus we come to the election Process, in 2008, it all starts in Iowa and in a recent Poll, Senator Edwards headed the pack, Hillary was second, it should be noted that Bill Clinton came out of nowhere to win in 1992 he was not the front runner, so what are we looking at for 2008. The question comes down to Iraq by September 2006 the un – official plan according to the leaks to the Press is to withdraw some of the troops from Iraq, thus secure the Republican Majority in Congress. Lets jump through a wormhole and see what might happen, Iraq will go quiet, the internal security will stand up while Americans go to their usual parades, and thus Congress remains Republican. Early 2008, the vote by Hillary Clinton now looks like the act of a stateswoman and Kerry and Edwards look like that they don’t have the back bone to fight a war never mind Hillary.

Thus Hillary Clinton wins the Nomination and she faces lets argue for arguments sake John McCain, this a prediction, she would lose, by the time the Republicans where finished with her and Bill Clinton, she would look a weak Liberal and would you like to see Bill Clinton back in White House if you are living in Middle America. Its not fair judge Hillary by the actions of Bill, but Politics is not fair it is ruthless and direct, more Americans and even a healthy lot in the Democratic Party worry about a bored Bill Clinton in the White House. He could be sent to the UN as General Secretary but would you feel if you are a third world country; could trust Bill Clinton to look after your interests if they happened not to be the interest of Hillary.

We have looked at the positive, know lets look at the negative, Iraq goes to hell in a hand basket, no troop reduction, even more troops, the country faces civil war. Thus the Kerry and Edwards who have repented their votes. We have Kerry and Edwards fighting it out, Clinton, wont run if she looks like getting beaten by either man. Kerry verses Edwards another interesting fight, Kerry won the last time and lost the election to George Bush, would the Democratic Party nominate him to fight John McCain, another War Hero and a man who had been Prisoner of War in Vietnam when John Kerry was demonstrating again the War, one can see the cruel but effective adds already and the jokes would be worse for Kerry, the Senator does not come across as a man who laughs at himself, McCain gives the appearance of enjoying laughter.

Of course should the Republicans not Nominate Senator John McCain they still have a good list of candidates that could take the fight to Hillary Clinton, there is Rudy Giuliani the ex Mayor of New York at the time of 9/11. This could even bring New York State in to play during the election, on the one hand, Giuliani in social liberal and this could have an effect on the conservative base but the man who cleaned up New York and lead New York at the time of 9/11 would be covered in some respects on the issues as he would be seen as tough on National Security and Law and Order. Hillary Clinton while a good Senator and conservative on National Security Issues would not stand a chance in an election, Giuliani is from New York, and Hillary Clinton did a Robert Kennedy and found a safe seat.

As often noted a aged British Prime Minister was asked by Junior Minister what could go wrong, the PM noted Events, Events. By January 20th 2009, we might find that we do not recognise the man or woman been sworn in as 44th President of the United States.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

A Clue!

I keep hearing about Iran and Syria from the USA and UK, is there something afoot!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Tainted Crown

How many times have we heard that Tony Blair will give his successor a chance to bed in and gain the support of the British People before the next election, he wants to be there for the next G8 Summit. If Gordon Brown want to be PM and for it to mean something he will have to show that he is political ruthless, he should make sure that Tony Blair retires before xmas or the Crown might not be worth much by the time of the next election.

The World Today

The Middle East and War, what defines a Big War and a small-scale conflict on the rim of war. If you think about it we have the small-scale conflict, the use of Battle Field weapons and Planes by Israel and Rockets by Hezbollah but so far no land and sea invasion of Lebanon by Israel and no actual action by Syria and Iran just lot of dark warnings to Israel of what might happen. Lets look how all this started and where the West was looking at the time. A long time ago, less than two weeks ago the West was more concerned about North Korea and Iran.

In the end the Rockets of North Korea where some what a damp squib, but it still gave problems for China, the USA was not happy and Japan even less so, the missiles did drop in the Sea of Japan and the USA wanted China to reign in North Korea. The whole episode was placed in front of the UN Security Council, and the world waited, also at the same time the USA and the European Union had made an offer to Iran, if the Country did not try to develop nuclear missiles it would gain some advantages from the West. The day the answer was meant to arrive the Middle East erupted. The World was know focused on Israel and Lebanon, the Paris of the Middle East.

At Present we have North Korea, Iran, Syria, as an undemocratic axis whose main policy seems to annoy the West and the United States in Particular, Iraq is an on going problem, that allows Iran to cause problems for the United States and the UK when it is placed under pressure. Thus as of writing this article, we have a small scale conflict between Israel and Hezbollah, the Western countries are split, the USA and UK on the whole are supporting Israel, France, Italy and Russia see the reaction of Israel as over the top in contrast to the perceived attack. The UK is sending out HMS Illustrious in case we have to get our people out of Beirut, according to the Sunday Times we have about twenty five thousand people there. As of writing this article the Foreign Office are in talks to make sure should we start taking people out it is done without getting shot at by any one.

What are the next steps and what is in the interest of Lebanon, it has been argued that if one thinks in the long term this might be an opportunity to smash Hezbollah, free Lebanon to be the Paris of Middle East, stop Iran from flexing its muscles in the area and make her understand that this is a new western resolve, it either plays by the rules of the International Order and the benefits of being part of the system or else, ten years down the line does the World want to be faced by a nuclear Iran and like North Korea not really with much options on how to deal with her, what if ten years down the line, Iran should make a credible threat to Israel, two nuclear powers in the area that gives the World its Oil, that is a freighting prospect.

At the G8 Summit in St Petersburg, a communiqué has been released that places the fault at the feet of the Hezbollah and calls for restraint from Israel. The next few days should tell us if we have a low level local conflict or a regional war that drags in both Syria and Iran, any attack on Israel by these would bring in the USA. If this happened and Iran caused more complications in Iraq this would lead to further problems for the USA and the UK. Low Level conflicts lead to deaths on both sides, a Regional War could lead to the deaths of Hundred of thousands on both sides, time will tell….