Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Who was William Shakespeare ? = Queen Elizabeth I - Arts and Books

 This is Blog is also about culture!  

Guardian: Reports " ‘It was shocking’: the author under attack for doubting Shakespeare...Elizabeth Winkler’s controversial new book, Shakespeare Was a Woman and Other Heresies, investigates highly fraught theories around the beloved playwright  "

Lets Get Real:

If the works of William Shakespeare were not written by THE Shakespeare then a lot of English Lit Graduates have worthless degrees and teachers for decades have been teaching a LIE, in fact someday a Student will sue a school or University for taking his or her money based on a Lie.  The snob in this blog wants to believe that the real author of  the works of BARD was in fact Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford, or could it be the Queen at the time, Queen Elizabeth I, the BARD was never arrested, unlike his fellow writers, and there are no written material by him, such as a shopping list.  There are gaps in his life, that has never been cleared up, also there was a great film called Anonymous that put its faith that it was his Lordship as the author.  Thus the greatest writer in the English language was a fake, WE need to hear the truth.  The Truth is out there somewhere. 

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