Monday, February 21, 2022

Russian FALSE FLAG Operations - Ukraine Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The Russians are throwing every false flag idea and the sink in attempt to create the impression that the Russians are justified in invading the Ukraine, someone has to tell Putin, just drop it, its embarrassing, no one believes the Russian LIES, one has to assume that this false PR stunt is being done to impress the Russian viewers, it seems that Putin thinks he need to gin up his approval ratings, and reforming the USSR is his idea of better numbers.  One does have to ask what the Russian people have done to suffer, LENIN, STALIN and now Putin, of course you can argue that the present Russia is suffering for the murder of its anointed Tsar and his family, that the Russian people have not be told the truth about the evil of that period, unlike Germany after the end of WW2 and the fall of Nazi Regime.  They were both evil and killed millions, the USSR a bit more because it lasted longer.   If only we had Reagan in the Oval and Thatcher in 10 Downing Street, things it can be postulated would be so different.

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