Monday, March 08, 2021

The FAILED War in Afghanistan - Afghan War

BBC News: Reports " The Taliban could make rapid military gains across Afghanistan when American and Nato troops pull out, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has warned. "

Lets Get Real:

As this blog predicted long ago in the day, that Afghanistan would be a failure for the US, they are following the same steps as the British Empire in the 19th Century and the USSR in the 20th Century.  Once the NATO troops are out, one can expect the Kabul Government to fall within weeks or months, and the Taliban will roll back in to power, they will cover to Al Qaeda and the US and its Allies could be back in the Afghanistan at later date to remove the Taliban again and destroy the terrorist groups that ally with the Taliban.   The Geography of Afghanistan does not allow for successful invasions, also the people tend to fight a lot between themselves, thus hard to form a central government that has the support of most people.  Also the Taliban are like Daesh, they hold a strict view of Islam and thus it gives them in their mindset the right to subvert human rights, through a revolver.

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