Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Is PM Boris the new FDR? - The Boris Agenda aka FDR

Lets Get Real:

Although FDR's New Deal plans mitigated the Great Depression for US VOTERS, it was World War 2 that bought the US out of the Great Depression, that was because the US Government did not stop spending and rejuvenated US economy.   Also PM Boris should remember that buildings alone do not cut it, you have to create a private sector that hires people.  It was noted in South Wales that the EU had spent a shed load on buildings but did not create jobs.  So new buildings and government spending should also include cuts to taxes thus making the North of England and South Wales a place that a businessman/woman would want to develop his/her business.   The PM is getting back to his manifesto pledges of 2019, that is good, but he has to ask himself, does it bring jobs in a hurry. 

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