Thursday, October 09, 2014

Syria and Ground Troops - The New War on Terror

Lets Get Real:

Thus the fate of Kobane has become the symbol for the future of the Obama Presidency, the Oval needs to understand that IT can be WRONG, the idea that President Obama's is the most clever man in the room only exists in the head of the Oval and his supporters who faint in his presence, that last time this blog looked Obama had ZERO history in serving in uniform, and he is allowing himself and this 100% loyal staff to make national security decisions based on what helps the Democrats in November.   The area of national security is far to important than who takes the US Senate.    One can assume that POTUS is waiting for the Mid Terms to be over before placing troops in Syria and Iraq, that is the HOPE, otherwise its going to be a rough two and half years for the Oval and US national security. 

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