Friday, October 31, 2014

IS Draws more Fighters - UN

Lets Get Real:

In many ways IS is a bigger threat than Al Qaeda, it has developed a State structure and has its own PR departmenet, they recruite exteme Jidadists from around the World and fund their operations through the selling of black market oil.   The UN and Western Countries have to develop a plan to stop people going over to Syria and Iraq, and then stop the money, its the money that is allowing IS to have a PR department and to gain more supporters.   The NSA should tackle the IS websites and bring them down, make it harder for the IS to get its message out, the NSA has done it before when it wanted to prevent leaked secrets coming out.  The UN should Countreis should agree a naval force to prevent IS getting its oil out.   The more money IS has, the bigger the threat, the time for action is NOW by the WEST. 

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