Thursday, September 25, 2014

France and IS - The New War on Terror

Lets Get Real:

This blog sometimes makes fun of the French, who does not, but on terror and taking action the Middle East the French can be proud of their government,  they have not had endless discussions about doing the right thing, they just did it, one could only have wished that the French had taken this action during the 2nd Gulf War, in that time period they froze the UN and thus Bush 43 and Tony Blair could not get UN sanction for the War, the left will never forgive Blair for that, as there was no WMD in Iraq the War of 2003 is seen as a criminal action by some of the left.   One wonders will the French at a later date place ground troops in Iraq and Syria, an air campaign will not destroy IS, it will need ground forces to take and hold land.    Thus one can expect the US, UK and France to carry that load, the Kurds and the Iraqi Army will not be able to take the big towns, while the US and the UK have a history in Iraq.    

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