Saturday, March 01, 2014

President Obama on the Ukraine - Ukraine Crisis

Lets Get Real:
The above is a modern Munich 1938, THE US is going to allow Putin's Russia to either create a Eastern Ukraine under Moscow rule or it is going to retake the Eastern part of the Ukraine back in to Russia.  Lets be VERY clear here, no one is suggesting taking military action, that is not the point, it is the weakness of the above statement, what if Putin one day takes it in to his mind that Poland should be in the Russian backyard, or other former Warsaw Pact Countries can  be taken over even if they are in NATO, the West can not trust the Oval under Obama, the next three years are going to be rough, the EU and NATO will have to toughen up in case it has to carry the ball of leadership due to the weakness of President Obama.   If Hillary Clinton is the next President of the US, one can expect a tougher reaction, the one thing about Hillary  is she no roll over, she might be weak when it comes to Bill, but she is tough when it comes to international politics, the US and the West needs a tough leader after Obama. 

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