Friday, February 14, 2014

The problem with Afghanistan - Afghanistan Theatre

Guardian: Reports from Washington D.C on the decline in the relationship between the US and Afghanistan, the article notes the following, " Obama administration looks increasingly likely to gamble with Afghan president’s successor over signing of security agreement ".

Lets Get Real:

President Karzai is looking after number one, himself, he does not trust President Obama to keep troops in Afghanistan as he closes his Presidency in 2016, the last Afghan leader backed by a Super Power was captured, tortured, castrated and hung, that of course was in the time of the USSR, with a few years of leaving Afghanistan there was no USSR.   That is why President Obama's weakness over Syria and Iraq has ramifications in other areas, leaders do watch the news and read the newspapers, the Obama Oval is seen as weak, thus the relationship between the US and Afghanistan will have to wait for a new leader as the article suggests, of course a new leader might have the same worries, its a vicious path when dealing with Afghanistan. 

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