Monday, February 03, 2014

That Fox News Interview with President Obama - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real: 

The President's either thinks he is telling the truth, which would be a major worry or he does not care that his Administration and himself lied to the US people and the UN that the attack was down to a film,  the only reason for the LIE was the fact that POTUS had stated that Al Qaeda was on the run and near death and that he had saved the US Car industry, well Al Qaeda and its franchise groups are alive and well in Syria, Iraq and Africa, and Obama is sending mixed signals, on the one hand he using drones to kill the Al Qaeda terrorists but on the other hand is stating that Al Qaeda is no longer a threat to the US homeland.   This is the reason that the US is not trusted by former US allies in the Middle East, the spin is more important to POTUS than the truth, we have another three and half years of this kind of rubbish spin, lets hope the US voter elects a President who sees the real World in 2016. 

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