Thursday, January 02, 2014

NYT, Guardian - Traitors to the Soul ?

Lets Get Real: 

It seems the publishers of the Snowden material, the elite left wing New York Times and the Guardian are spinning for a traitor that has hurt the US and UK around the World.    If these papers had released that kind of information during World War 2, there would be no nice chats from the men from 10 Downing Street, the reporters and editors would have found themselves under arrest and under a charge of treason, lets get real, in either WW1 or WW2 they would have spent years in jail, and not allowed out even after the Wars were over, if we ever have a WW3, the US and UK Governments will have to close down these papers that support treason.  The above papers bring shame to the meaning of being a reporter, they value their own view above that of the common man, the man they are supposed to be protecting.   This episode SHOULD shame these papers, but they are so much up their own ego and that they see their reality as the real world, shame on them. 

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