Monday, January 06, 2014

Gay Marriage FROZEN in Utah - 2nd Term Blues

Guardian: Reports the following from the US Supreme Court on the latest gay marriage development, " 

Utah same-sex marriages put on hold in US supreme court decision..Gay marriages suspended pending lower court appeal ".

Lets Get Real:

This blog is a Conservative/Republican Blog, but on this issue the US Supreme Court is wrong, this blog has always supported the right of gay people to marry, this decision only affects Utah, but as the article notes this effects around nine hundred people, so what are their statues NOW, are they married or not, the Supreme Court should make its decision soon, one can make the argument that this decision is immoral, either allow or ban gay marriage, either make it a federal right for ALL Americans or not, the worse decision would make it a State matter, thus a couple might be married in a liberal State but not a Conservative State.   This is unfair and unwise, lets hope the Court makes the right decision soon as gay marriage is a Civil Right. 

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