Tuesday, October 29, 2013

US Intelligence vs The World - 2nd Term Blues

BBC News: Reports that James Clapper the US Director of Intelligence has defended the intelligence gathering of the US.

Lets Get Real: 

The EU leaders and people should get a life, of course the US spies on other world leaders, and do you know what folks, the EU Countries spy on their friends and enemies.  It is the way of the World, if Moses was up to it, the rest of Europe should get over itself.  After 9/11 the US can not take any risks, what if the NSA takes its eye off the ball and there is dirty bomb attack on New York or D.C, then the people will not ask did you invade their privacy, they will ask who let PC get in the way of doing their job.  Also US intelligence prevents terrorists attacks on EU Countries.   It seems people have forgotten about 9/11 and 7/7 folks, this blog will never forget, will never take its eye off the ball, and will support action that needs to be taken, water boarding, torture, what ever it takes folks, that is the honesty you get from this blog folks. 

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