Saturday, February 09, 2013

IRAN NO to OBAMA - Iran Crisis

Lets Get Real: 

One has a feeling that POTUS and VP Biden have fallen in to same mind set as LBJ in the 1960s, he thought if he could just get in to a room with the North Vietnam then a deal could be cut, that was a big mistake, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has stated he is a revolutionary, thus the two sides are odds, Obama thinks as Neville Chamberlain thought that if he could talk and get a deal then this would solve the problems between the UK and Germany in the 1938, it fell apart within a year, this is why Munich in 1938 is still used as lesson when you appease, the Iran Regime knows if it deals with the West the next step will be to share the same fate as Gaddafi of Libya or Richard III a bayonet not in place that you want, thus Tehran wants the bomb, it has seen how North Korea can blackmail the West, how the West and its allies, in this case Japan can not react as North Korea has the bomb, and is fast developing ICBM technology for its own use and to sell to Syria, Iran, you get the idea folks.   It a game of time folks, the Tehran Regime wants to play for time so it can get the bomb, keep Israel from striking and give the impression that it really wants talks.    The Tehran Regime knows that POTUS does not want to attack, he is happy to be the Godfather of drones but does not want another major war on his watch, the Liberals in the Democratic Party were not happy about Libya.  Thus its down to Israel folks, they will have to strike, as Obama is in Chamberlain mode at the present. 

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