Thursday, January 10, 2013

Awards Season - NTA

National Television  Awards: Yes folks its the REAL vote you have been waiting for, the one that really counts, the one that matters, its the NTA on ITV.   You know the drill, vote for Doctor Who for best drama, Matt Smith as the Doctor for best actor and the one and only Karen  Gillan for best actress.   It is the shows that gives every year folks, fun, drama, sadness, madness, and it bought back River,  the Doctor's ball and chain!!  When does River get her own TARDIS, she is a Time Lord after all, courtesy of the Tardis, long story and complex, not sure the Time Lords would approve, oh yes lets start a Campaign to get the Time Lords back, for this fan it was fun when the Doctor was on the run, in trouble, in essence being the Doctor.  Have to admit still not sure about this God complex the Doctor has, he has one one folks, thank God he is not a actually Doctor, the laws suites, off topic there folks.  Yes vote Doctor Who, or will send POTUS around to give you a speech from memory, yes folks, time to vote and vote now, also get your friends and family to vote, this good Doctor needs your support.   Lets do it the Chicago way folks and WIN for the Doctor. 

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