Friday, August 17, 2012

Rats Leaving a Sinking Ship - NY Democrats

The New York Times: Reports that Democratic House Members as skipping the Democratic Convention that will make President Obama the Democratic Nominee for President, the article notes the following, " ..the reality that even in some pockets of a state as reliably blue as New York, Democrats do not see the president as a political asset. "

Lets Get Real:

The question this blog will ask would Republicans have done this Ronald Reagan, as President Obama is suppose to be the liberal Reagan, the answer is a big NO. One can assume beyond the agenda of the uber liberal press these Democratic politicians have their ears to the ground, and when it comes to it, would rather get elected no matter the impression it gives. Of course the State of New York is a safe Obama State, but these House members, the voters could split their votes, vote for POTUS but vote for a strong Republican House to restrain any liberal ideas Obama might have, that should worry Democrats across the US. As a great Democratic Speaker once stated, all politics is local, is the local telling the elite media something they do not want to hear.

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