Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Obama and Iran - Iran Crisis

Telegraph: Has an interesting commentary article on why President Obama has to explain to the US voter why the US might attack Iran in the near future, the article notes the following reluctance by POTUS, " ..could depress turnout among a Democratic base that I suspect strongly disagrees. ".

Lets Get Real:

The election in November folks is seen as a base election, in other words the Democrats and Republicans are more interested in getting their own voters to the polls than those in the middle. Thus the Oval has a problem, if it starts the War Drums over Iran now it might lose in November, or Israel might strike anyway, there is a great chance that the Israeli Government will hit Iran just before November, forcing the Oval to support such a strike and follow an Israeli strike with a US hit to finish the job. In many respects the Oval is in the hands of Israel, very much like 1981 and 2007, when Israel hit Iraq and Syria. Also the Republican ticket is going for the Jewish voters who tend to support the Democrats, the fact that POTUS has not visited Israel since coming in to Office has been noticed folks. Thus this clock is moving folks, it might not be in the press every day, but this crisis will happen, its just a matter of seconds in the great scheme of time.

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